Wound infections present a significant clinical challenge that impacts on patient morbidity and treatment cost. This case study evaluated patients receiving standard wound management coupled with a nano colloidal silver (NCS) spray of 30 ppm. The evaluation included 17 patients (12 male, 5 female) aged between 27 to 77 years who presented with chronic nonhealing wounds and treated using NCS. The patients were assessed using the hospitalβs standard protocol and received a minimum of two NCS applications per week, which was sprayed directly onto the wound prior to a secondary dressing application. This was continued until the symptoms of infection had cleared fully and wound healing was observed. The criteria used for wound healing was based on clinical observations which included reduction in signs of infection, such as inflammation, redness, exudate, odour, suspected biofilm and pain, and the observation of proper epithelialization of the wound. The majority of non-healing wounds were venous ulcers in origin and the average wound healing time was around 5 weeks. Swabs were not taken for this case study but will be needed for a more robust study.