A 46-year-old Chinese gentleman presented to the Kuala Lumpur Hospital for surgical management of necrotizing fasciitis, having been transferred from another hospital. Surgical debridement was performed to remove all of the devitalized tissue. The patient was then referred to the wound care team for further wound management. Sodium polyacrylate powder and modified collagen with glycerine gel were combined and used to prepare the wound bed. By combining sodium polyacrylate powder and modified collagen with glycerine, the authors were able to control the bioburden of the wound and stimulate rapid wound healing in this acute condition. Two weeks later, the patient underwent hydrostatic debridement. In the operation theatre, modified collagen and glycerine gel were again applied together with sodium polyacrylate. Within 6 weeks from the date of onset, secondary suturing with skin grafting was performed. The wound progressed well and the patient was discharged. The secondary suturing and skin grafting had been a complete success and accomplished earlier than had been expected.