WUWHS Consensus Document: Wound Exudate, effective assessment and management

Exudate plays a key role in wound healing. However, exudate can delay healing when in the wrong amount, in the wrong place, or of the wrong composition. Effective assessment and management of exudate is therefore key to ensuring timely wound healing without complications. Since the World Union of Wound Healing Societies (WUWHS) last issued guidance […]
WUWHS Consensus Document – Wound Exudate, effective assessment and management

Exudate plays a key role in wound healing. However, exudate can delay healing when in the wrong amount, in the wrong place, or of the wrong composition. Effective assessment and management of exudate is therefore key to ensuring timely wound healing without complications. Since the World Union of Wound Healing Societies (WUWHS) last issued guidance […]
Consensus round table meeting: Portable topical oxygen therapy for healing complex wounds

Oxygen is critical to wound healing. Lack of oxygen (hypoxia) can delay healing and increase the risk of complications. In patients with comorbidities, their complex and chronic wounds are at increased risk of hypoxia, which means that healing is delayed, but may be corrected by early intervention with topical oxygen therapy. NATROX® Oxygen Wound Therapy […]
Challenging wounds, improving outcomes; Biofilm management with topical oxygen therapy

Evidence has proven the positive effects of topical oxygen therapy on chronic, hard-to-heal wounds (Harding, 2016). It is becoming widely accepted that hard-to-heal wounds contain biofilm and that the presence of biofilm delays and/or prevents healing (WUWHS, 2016). The aim of this document is to inform practitioners about the issue of biofilm and how […]
Role of bacteria and biofilms in non-healing wounds — Karen Cross

In the first presentation, Karen Cross, (St Michaels, Canada), will discuss the design and outcomes of the NATROX® study, investigating the impact of NATROX® Oxygen Therapy on non-healing wounds, and particularly on non-healing wounds where biofilm is present.
Role of bacteria and biofilms in non-healing wounds — Julie Perry

In this presentation, Julie Perry, (St Michaels, Canada), will look in depth at the formation and structure of biofilm and how this affects wound healing. She will explain strategies for biofilm eradication and guidance to how this can be applied in practice, focusing on the role of oxygen in wound healing.
Role of bacteria and biofilms in non-healing wounds — the summary

This Wounds International webcast will inform practitioners about the issue of biofilm and how it affects wound chronicity, as well as how topical oxygen therapy may help to kickstart stalled healing. The NATROX® study has shown that topical oxygen therapy has a positive effect on biofilm in chronic wounds, and this webcast will provide practical […]
Role of oxygen in wound healing Breda Cullen

This Wounds International webcast focuses on the role of oxygen in wound healing and how topical oxygen therapy can improve oxygenation and, therefore, healing. In this presentation, Breda Cullen, Research and Development Director, UK, outlines the vital role that oxygen plays throughout the healing process and the impact that lack of oxygen (hypoxia) can have on […]
Role of oxygen in wound healing Hanna Kaufman

This Wounds International webcast focuses on the role of oxygen in wound healing and how topical oxygen therapy can improve oxygenation and, therefore, healing. In this presentation, Hanna Kaufman, Orthopaedic Surgeon, Israel, looks in depth at the clinical evidence and how this can be applied to practice. Hanna identifies the wounds that are suitable for topical […]
Role of oxygen in wound healing Tjun Tang

This Wounds International webcast focuses on the role of oxygen in wound healing and how topical oxygen therapy can improve oxygenation and, therefore, healing. In this presentation, Tjun Tang, Vascular Surgeon, Singapore, looks at the role of topical oxygen therapy in limb salvage.
Natrox® — Let the topical oxygen flow for healing complex wounds

The presence of a wound increases the body’s requirement for oxygen by 20% for a patient with a clean wound and by 50% for an infected wound (Dernling, 2009). Oxygen is critical to many of the processes required in wound healing including the production of energy to fuel cell function and metabolism, angiogenesis, collagen synthesis […]
Closed incision management with VAC Prevena after lower-limb surgery: literature review and local experience

Patients who undergo vascular surgical procedures are often elderly and have concomitant diabetes mellitus and ischaemic heart disease. In our population, a substantial proportion also have end-stage renal failure. All of these factors contribute to poor wound healing and a propensity for wound breakdown and surgical site infection (SSI) (Cheadle, 2006; Kalish et al, 2014; […]
Moving the chronic wound along the healing trajectory

In the author’s previous article ‘A Breakthrough in the Management of Neuro-Ischaemic Diabetic Foot Ulcers’ (Galea, 2018), the emphasis was placed on the detrimental effect of elevated levels of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) in chronic wounds. The result of altered activities of proteases and their inhibitors lead to an altered healing process and the balance in […]
Natrox® — Let the topical oxygen flow for healing complex wounds

The presence of a wound increases the body’s requirement for oxygen by 20% for a patient with a clean wound and by 50% for an infected wound (Dernling, 2009). Oxygen is critical to many of the processes required in wound healing including the production of energy to fuel cell function and metabolism, angiogenesis, collagen synthesis […]
Welcome to this special conference issue of Wounds Asia

Asia is huge — it houses two-thirds of the world’s population. This makes it a great place to conduct research and studies as it is possible to obtain larger sample numbers, which can produce more robust results. More consensus work needs to be done among experts in Asia, who are leaders in their respective fields. […]
Relationship between sandals and diabetic foot ulcers in an outpatient clinic in Indonesia

Development of diabetic foot ulcers (DFUs) may be related to internal factors, such as neuropathy and angiopathy (International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot, 2012), or caused by external factors, including footwear. Footwear has two contrasting effects on the development of DFUs: it can be preventative (Viswanathan et al, 2004) or it can be a […]
Wound care management in Indonesia: issues and challenges in diabetic foot ulceration

There are 415 million people aged 20–79 years with diabetes worldwide, almost 153 million of them live in the Western Pacific region (Ogurtsova et al, 2017). The number of people with diabetes is predicted to rise to 642 million worldwide by 2040 (Ogurtsova et al, 2017). Indonesia has approximately 258 million citizens, making it the […]
Optimising quality of life for people with non-healing wounds

Some wounds persist for months or years (Krasner et al, 2014). Non-healing wounds may be a result of host factors, such as inadequate vasculature, medications that interfere with the healing process, immunocompromised status or critically-ill status with non-modifiable risk factors (terminal disease, end-stage organ failure and other life-threatening health conditions). Among patients who are dying, […]
Reconstruction of a soft tissue defect of the big toe by pedicled perforator flap

Treatment of soft tissue defect on the distal of the big toe is challenging due to the lack of reliable options that can be used to create a local flap to cover the injured area. Following injury, soft tissue defects expose the structures, joints, tendons and bone. Even a small defect will become problematic if […]
SMARTPORE Technology Made Easy

Selecting the appropriate dressing for the individual is essential in promoting optimum healing, symptom management, comfort and overall quality of life for the patient. This Made Easy describes SMARTPORE Technology®, utilised in the BETAplast® dressing range (Mundipharma). SMARTPORE Technology® provides high absorption and retention of exudate, along with an optimal moisture vapour transmission rate (MVTR), creating an ideal […]
Challenging wounds, improving outcomes — Treatment of complex diabetic foot wounds using topical oxygen therapy

The essential role of oxygen in wound healing is well documented, and recent developments in the delivery of topical oxygen therapy has made this a more viable treatment in practice (Harding, 2016). Diabetic foot ulcers (DFUs) are a significant and growing problem, compounded by lack of resources in general wound care, making this a challenging […]
Case studies evaluation: Using ULTRASORBS® AP Drypads for moisture management

Moisture-associated skin damage (MASD) describes the spectrum of damage that occurs in response to the prolonged exposure of a patient’s skin to perspiration, urine (Beeckman et al, 2015), faeces or wound exudate (Grey et al, 2011). When exposed to excessive amounts of moisture, the skin softens, swells and becomes wrinkled (Dowsett and Allen, 2013). Additionally, […]
Presidents video WUWHS

License to heal – Global Wound Conference

Wounds International and Wounds Asia will be attending the forthcoming Global Wound Conference in Malaysia. Organised by the Malaysian Society of Wound Care Professionals, the event will be held in Kuala Lumpur from the 21-23 September at the Royale Chulan Hotel. Wounds International and Wounds Asia will be attending the forthcoming Global Wound Conference […]
Inotec AMD Limited receives the Global 2018 Product Leadership Award in Chronic Wound Care Management from Frost & Sullivan

Cambridge, UK – 9 July 2018 – Cambridge based Inotec AMD Limited’s NATROX® Oxygen Wound Therapy has earned the prestigious 2018 Product Leadership Award in Chronic Wound Care Management from Frost & Sullivan. Cambridge, UK – 9 July 2018 – Cambridge based Inotec AMD Limited’s NATROX® Oxygen Wound Therapy has earned the prestigious […]
Living with lymphoedema after treatment for breast and gynaecological cancers in Asia
WWIC and the A Star institute collaborate on research and educational programme

WWIC is engaged with the A Star institute in Singapore to establish a collaborative research and educational programme. The opportunities for collaboration are significant due to the extent of wound problems seen in that region and efforts have been boosted recently with the award of significant grant funding to establish a research programme on wound […]
ALLEVYN LIFE: Making the Case

ALLEVYN LIFE is a multi-layered dressing designed following extensive research. This document can be used to make the case for implementing effective prevention and management measures in the clinic, taking into account the economic impact of the interventions on patient quality of life and outcomes.
Combined super-oxidized therapy: an effective treatment for chronic wounds

Managing chronic wounds is always a challenge in current healthcare, this study aims to assess the efficacy of combined super-oxidized therapy in treating chronic wounds. Ten patients were enrolled, and treatment efficacy was assessed by changes in wound size, pain score via Visual Analogue Scale and exudate level for period of 1 month. Statistical analysis was done […]
A breakthrough in the management of neuro-ischaemic diabetic foot ulcers

In a growing proportion of diabetic foot ulcers are being diagnosed as neuro-ischaemic. Management of this type of wound is complex, requiring prompt referral, debridement where indicated, appropriate footwear, offloading, dressings and the treatment of infection. Until recently, no drug or device had been demonstrated to effectively treat neuro-ischaemic foot ulcers. The discovery that matrix […]
Living with lymphoedema after treatment for breast and gynaecological cancers in Singapore
Background: Lymphoedema is a chronic swelling of the affected body part and can occur after surgical removal of lymph nodes and radiotherapy. It can have a debilitating impact on the lives of those affected. Aim: This study aimed to explore the experience of Singaporean women living and coping with lymphoedema. Methods: A semi-structured interview was […]
Ten top tips: management of surgical wound dehiscence

The worldwide volume of surgery is considerable, with an estimated 234.2 million major surgical procedures carried out every year across the globe (Weiser et al, 2008). In Australia during 2010-11, 2.4 million admissions involved a surgical procedure (Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, 2012). Wound healing by primary intention following surgery is assisted by the use of […]
Infection and non-healing after Achilles tendon surgery

The Achilles tendon can become inflamed, degenerate, tear or rupture. In cases where it tears badly or ruptures, the tendon is stitched back together during surgery. This operation comes with the risk of wound healing problems and, as with all types of surgery, there is a chance of developing a postoperative infection. This case study […]
Wound management in a case of an open amniotic band syndrome in a 31-week-old preterm baby

This is a case study of a 31-week-old preterm baby presented with severe amniotic band syndrome of the left leg at birth. Circumferential band with skin defect, exposing the subcutaneous tissue and periosteum of the left tibia was visible on the distal third of the left leg. The left dorsalis pedis artery and posterior tibialis […]
Triangle of Wound Assessment

Wound assessment is essential in informing the selection of appropriate therapeutic strategies to achieve clinical goals, e.g. wound healing and improved patient wellbeing. This Made Easy describes a new approach to wound assessment that encourages clinicians to look beyond the wound edge to routinely assess and manage the periwound skin using the new Triangle of Wound Assessment. Translations
A new platform for gaining insight and knowledge in managing wounds

Wounds can cover diabetic foot ulcers, pressure injury, vascular ulcers or wounds, immunopathic wounds and traumatic wounds. Chronic, hard-to-heal wounds also have an adverse effect on health-related quality of life. Wounds are a global problem, with increasing incidence due in part to the increase in diabetes mellitus. In Asia, there are more than 4 billion people, […]
The protective effects of ascorbic acid and Tualang honey on reverse sural fasciocutaneous flaps in a smoking rabbit model

Smoking is a risk factor for poor wound healing and flap failure due to oxidative damages produced by components in cigarette smoke. Reverse sural fasciocutaneous (RSF) flaps are commonly used for the reconstruction of the distal third of the leg. The authors compared the protective effects of two antioxidant agents: ascorbic acid (AA) and Tualang honey […]
Global wound conference 2018

This landmark event which will be held in Kuala Lumpur aims to bring reputable authorities in the field of wound care under one roof. The objective is to discuss and collaborate on recent scientific findings in the hope of improving the management of complex and chronic wounds. Click here to find out more This […]
Triangle of Wound Assessment

Wound assessment is essential in informing the selection of appropriate therapeutic strategies to achieve clinical goals, e.g. wound healing and improved patient wellbeing. This Made Easy describes a new approach to wound assessment that encourages clinicians to look beyond the wound edge to routinely assess and manage the periwound skin using the new Triangle of Wound Assessment. Translations
A new platform for gaining insight and knowledge in managing wounds

Wounds can cover diabetic foot ulcers, pressure injury, vascular ulcers or wounds, immunopathic wounds and traumatic wounds. Chronic, hard-to-heal wounds also have an adverse effect on health-related quality of life. Wounds are a global problem, with increasing incidence due in part to the increase in diabetes mellitus. In Asia, there are more than 4 billion people, […]
Mechanical dNPWT Made Easy

This Made Easy discusses the use of disposable negative pressure wound therapy (dNPWT) devices, including the SNAP Therapy System and the Nanova Therapy System, and how these can be used in practice. Supported by Acelity
ISTAP Best Practice Recommendations for the prevention and management of skin tears in aged skin

Skin tears are a significant problem for patients and the healthcare practitioners who treat them. The International Skin Tear Advisory Panel (ISTAP) convened a group of experts to provide internationally recognised recommendations for the prevention and management of skin tears, with updated definitions and terminology. Supported by 3M, KCI – An Acelity Company, Medline and […]
Quick Guide: Using IODOSORB in practice

This Quick Guide outlines the use of IODOSORB as part of a biofilm-based wound care approach and provides helpful tips for it’s implementation in practice. Supported by Smith & Nephew
IODOSORB for wound bed preparation before using PICO system in hard-to-heal wounds

Resolving infection is a vital part of wound bed preparation. This Quick Guide describes the rationale for IODOSORB use prior to negative pressure wound therapy with the PICO system. Supported by Smith & Nephew
The rise of the robots and AI – their impact on lymphoedema diagnosis and treatment
We see automation and robots wherever we look and go — at the airport, in our cars and in our homes. Automation and robots are already in medicine being most prominent in the surgery area, but will they spread into the diagnosis and treatment arenas for lymphoedemas?
Consensus document: Surgical wound dehiscence: Improving prevention and outcomes

Surgical wound dehiscence (SWD) is almost certainly under-reported, not least because of variation in the interpretation of what constitutes SWD. As a result, patients with SWD may not receive optimal treatment and may experience additional surgical site complications, increased mortality, prolonged hospital stays and readmission. Following a meeting in July 2017, an international panel of […]
Surgical wound dehiscence: Improving prevention and outcomes

Surgical wound dehiscence (SWD) is almost certainly under-reported, not least because of variation in the interpretation of what constitutes SWD. As a result, patients with SWD may not receive optimal treatment and may experience additional surgical site complications, increased mortality, prolonged hospital stays and readmission. Following a meeting in July 2017, an international panel of […]
Case studies evaluation: TIELLE Foam Dressings in practice

This International Case Study Evaluation presents ten case studies from Germany, Holland, Republic of Ireland and South Africa, which illustrate use of the TIELLE Foam Dressings range in practice in different aetiologies, including ulcerations, traumatic wounds and post-surgical wounds, in a variety of settings and across various disciplines. Supported by KCI – An Acelity Company
SEM Scanner Made Easy

It is well documented that early diagnosis and intervention may contribute to pressure ulcer prevention, which is less costly that treatment. This Made Easy provides an overview of the SEM Scanner, a diagnostic tool that allows the user to ‘visualise pathology’ below the skin before changes manifest at the surface, allowing preventative strategies to be […]
The role of mechanically powered disposable negative pressure wound therapy(dNPWT) in practice

This consensus document provides clinicians with guidance to decision-making within the changing landscape of negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT), with a focus on using disposable NPWT (dNPWT) devices in practice. Supported by KCI – An Acelity Company